2024 APD Annual Meeting

Meeting Registration

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 APD Mission/Vision
The mission of the Association of Professors of Dermatology is to advance dermatology through exceptional education, science, and clinical care.

The Association of Professors of Dermatology is the recognized leadership organization of and voice for academic dermatology. It is a vitally important vehicle for networking and communicating among dermatology programs throughout North America, facilitating the exchange of information regarding best practices and excelling in programming aimed at the recruitment, retention, and mentorship of academic faculty and future leaders. The APD will be the leader in setting the standard for ethical practice, professionalism, and excellence in academic administration.

 Message from the President

The mission of the APD is to ensure that the next generation of dermatologists are prepared to meet the needs of our many diverse patients. Our organization: 1) develops and implements outstanding clinical education by and through the academic clinical departments; 2) works to ensure that the leadership of dermatology and our trainees represent the full spectrum of the American population to effectively address the needs of all of our patients and 3) supports the role of academic departments in conducting basic, translational and clinical research aimed at the creation of new and better treatments to benefit our patients. Dermatology has made great progress over the past 10 years. We have new understandings of disease mechanisms and new treatments have been developed for many difficult diseases, transforming our ability to help our patients. The APD shepherded these changes through the efforts of our membership.

The APD Annual Meeting offers something for everyone involved in academic dermatology. The two-day meeting includes concurrent breakout specialty tracks designed for department/division chairs, residency and fellowship program directors and coordinators, the dermatology teachers exchange group, dermatologic surgeons, pediatric dermatologists, and dermatology administrators.
 News & Highlights
"Dermatology Teachers Faculty Development: What's the BFD (Brief Faculty Development)?"

The APD, under the coordination of Erik Stratman, MD is excited to offer APD members a national faculty development program which is aligned with the core mission of the APD. The program offers easily accessible faculty development in dermatology residency programs.