Pediatric Dermatology Section
The name of this section shall be the Pediatric Dermatology Section of the Association of Professors of Dermatology, hereafter referred to as the Pediatric Dermatology Section.
Objectives and Purpose
The objectives of the Pediatric Dermatology Section are:
- To define the pediatric curriculum for dermatology training, particularly in graduate and post graduate dermatology training programs and pediatric dermatologic fellowships. The term training program shall refer to programs within departments, divisions, sections, or their equivalents, as recognized by each medical school; and to approved free standing three-year residency training centers that exist outside a medical school.
- To encourage innovation in pediatric dermatologic training methods.
- To provide a forum for discussion of opportunities, challenges and developments of mutual interest to the academic faculty of dermatology training programs in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
- To promote cooperative relationships between the Section and other professional organizations whose goals are to educate trainees and physicians in pediatric dermatology. The purpose of these relationships is to develop and maintain the highest educational standards within dermatology training.
Organizational Structure of Pediatric Dermatology Section
Section A: Purpose of Membership for Pediatric Dermatology Section
It is the primary goal of the Pediatric Dermatology Section is to promote education in pediatric dermatology. The Pediatric Dermatology Section recognizes the special role and contribution of full-time academic pediatric dermatologists in training medical students, residents, and fellows, and in maintaining the academic environment in which pediatric dermatology training primarily occurs. The organization also recognizes the important contribution of volunteer community faculty in pediatric dermatology education and research.
Section B: Membership Criteria for the Pediatric Dermatology Section
All pediatric dermatologists participating full-time in dermatology resident and pediatric dermatology fellowship training programs are encouraged to become members. All members must:
- Be a pediatric dermatologist who holds a faculty appointment in a dermatology department or dermatology division or, in an accredited medical school and/or in an accredited free standing three (3) year residency training program outside medical school located in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The Steering Committee will determine who is a pediatric dermatologist and which level of academic affiliation qualifies for membership. The American Board of Dermatology and American College of Graduate Medical Education will determine which programs are accredited.
- Actively contribute to the pediatric dermatological education of medical students, residents, fellows, and/or practicing physicians
- Part-time clinicians with academic affiliations who do not otherwise qualify for APD membership, may attend meetings of the Section by paying non-member meeting fees as set by the APD.
Section C: Steering Committee for Pediatric Dermatology Section
The Steering Committee will be composed of a Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past-Chair (ex-officio) and six (6) committee members at large.
- The Chair will serve for two (2) years
- The Vice Chair will serve for two (2) years
- The Vice Chair will also serve as annual program chair
- The Immediate Past-Chair will serve for two (2) years
- The committee members will serve for three (3) years, staggered
- The Chair and Vice Chair will have been previous committee members
The purpose of the Steering Committee is to conduct the business of the section on behalf of the section members. Candidates for the steering committee will be chosen by the Steering Committee and approved by the section membership.
- The Chair of the section will serve ex-officio on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professors of Dermatology.
- The Steering Committee may appoint ad hoc task forces to address areas of interest for the membership.
- All members of the Steering Committee, including the Chair and Vice-Chair, must be members of the APD.
Section D: Duties of Pediatric Dermatology Section Steering Committee Members
The Chair shall:
- Prepare the agenda and preside at the Pediatric Dermatology Section meeting
- Be responsible for responding to problems of major concern to the Pediatric Dermatology Section
- Reports Pediatric Dermatology Section activities to the APD at the board meeting
- The Vice Chair shall:
- Serve in the place of the Chair when necessary
- Organize the Pediatric Dermatology Section annual meeting in conjunction with the representative of the APD.
Section E: Pediatric Dermatology Section Steering Committee Meetings
The Steering Committee shall meet as often as required throughout the year and shall represent the Section as necessary. The Steering Committee will give input as to the content of the annual Pediatric Dermatology Section meeting and direct Pediatric Dermatology Section activities as they relate to the development of resources for teaching and training programs. The Steering Committee will receive reports from the ad hoc task forces.
Pediatric Dermatology Section Steering Committee
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Northwestern University/Lurie Children’s Hospital
University of California, San Francisco
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Medical College of Wisconsin